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I support women to adapt and thrive in work and life, in times of change and challenge.

Lots of us reach the stage – several times over – when work and life overlap, or we have choices to make about what to do next and how to make it work for us (and the people we live with, and work for).

We spend the first 20 or so years on a path, with an idea of what we want and where we want to go. And then, for [insert your reason here] we find ourselves having or choosing to reevaluate. I get it. I’ve been there.

I work with women to (re)discover their professional* purpose, find clarity, and make solid decisions. I’m not here to tell you what to do, but to ask questions that help you make sense of thoughts you’re already having.

*and personal, because one doesn’t exist without the other


When our identity shifts, our lives need to follow suit.

Right now, you may be finding yourself lacking space and time to think, feeling under-confident (sometimes for the first time), stuck in patterns of cyclical thinking, wondering how to make work work, questioning priorities, or generally feeling overwhelmed with balancing family life or caring responsibilities.

The status quo is failing women. We deserve better.

The stats don’t lie. A whopping 85% of women are leaving the full-time workforce after having children, and around one in six menopausal workers report considering leaving due to lack of support with their menopause symptoms. 

Even with the best of intentions, employers are still struggling to provide what women need. It usually takes a lot more than a lunch and learn (and a policy gathering dust on the shared drive) to create actual change. 

I can help.

Ways to work with me

Almost all of my coaching takes place online. I’m based in Bristol, and if you’re local I also offer in-person coaching which can take place out walking, or in a quiet space that works for you.

Coaching starts at £75 per hour for self-funded sessions. I work a lot with employers, and if you’re an employer or would like support with asking your employer to fund coaching, more detail will be right here very soon!

For now – fill out the contact form and I’ll be in touch ASAP.